Negative impact of modern technology

Negative Effects of Modern Technology

The world today is technological as modern technology is around us everywhere. Home, offices, schools, universities, marketplaces. Even K-2 basecamp is now equipped with the internet. 

There’s no doubt that technology plays a vital role in our lives and survival without it seems impossible. Although its main purpose is to make our life easier and it facilitates us in a variety of ways, it also has bad effects on human life.

Almost all of us have the thinking that modern technology only has advantages by which we live a comfortable life. However, if we think deeply, there are several disadvantages at the same time.

Time Waste of time 

We waste our precious time by technology, but we don’t recognize it.

The use of modern technological gadgets like television, music systems, videos game, play stations, and most importantly ‘mobile phones’ waste a lot of time on a daily basis.

People mostly find themselves busy with these technological devices and as a result, they waste a lot of their precious time doing unimportant activities. Even at bedtime, they want to use ‘mobile phones’ instead of sleeping which causes them to wake up late in the morning or feeling sleepy all day.

Distraction from Work and Study:

One of the most distracting things these days are Modern technological gadgets.

Smartphones, television, video games, are a few of the most engaging and distracting technological devices which keep people busy and distracts them from their study, work, and other activities.

Instead of focusing on their goals and ambitions, they waste their precious time without even recognizing it.

It doesn’t mean that their usage should be stopped totally but we have to use it at a specific time and in a controlled manner.

Reduction in the Creativity 

Another bad effect of modern technology is that it reduces the creativity of the people. As people are mostly busy using them, it reduces their creativity.

Creativity can be defined as finding some new, unique, and interesting ideas in everything, as well as the implementation of them in real and these ideas, only come because of deep thinking.

But using technology, their minds are mostly busy using only technological gadgets.

Social Isolation of the People

Modern technology engages the people, and they don’t want to do anything else, so it isolates them socially.

The addiction to using technological devices is getting more day by day, as a result, people don’t want to go outside and meet others (friends, relatives) or don’t want any other activity. 

Technology Causes Environmental Problems

Modern technology is also affecting our surrounding environment.

Any kind of pollution is destructive to human beings as well as other living things. Our environment gets damaged in many ways by the use of modern technology.

Air Pollution

A lot of dangerous gases are produced by factories and vehicles that pollute our surrounding air and creates a lot of diseases (like lung cancer, tuberculosis, asthma) in human beings and other living beings.

Noise Pollution 

Many technological things create a lot of noise pollution including factories, vehicles, heavy machines, airplanes, etc.

Water Pollution 

Mills and factories produce the chemical wastes which enter the seas, lakes, and rivers, make the water polluted, and are very harmful to the living creatures in the water.

When human beings consume seafood, it causes a lot of diseases.

Technology Addiction 

In today’s world majority of the people are addicted to technology specifically ‘teenagers’ who are mostly busy using technology. 

Either it’s a restaurant, any public transport or any public place, we will find people engage themselves in their mobile phones.

Health Problems 

Modern Technology affects our health in many ways which include damage to eyesight and hearing, obesity, asthma, brain and skin cancer, etc.

Wastage of money

Nowadays, spending money on technology has become a trend especially ‘mobile phones’. People not only want to buy the latest and expensive cell phones but also show off them to others.

As technological devices and gadgets are costly so people spend a lot to buy them, and their maintenance is also very expensive.

More electricity Usage

These days, everybody wants to have his mobile phone and laptop. It means each person who owns technological gadgets like mobiles, laptops, tablets, etc requires electricity to charge his accessories on and off. It will result in more electricity usage which can impact the country’s economy.

Technology dependency

One of the bad effects of modern technology is people’s dependency on it. We have started depending on it so much that it's impossible to survive without it.

A few years back, life was much simple as people do hard work and were much active as compared to today. But in today’s life, even if we do a little hard work, we feel tired and exhausted and get irritated. Modern technology has reduced our stamina to bear any hardships which were easy before.



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