Biological introduction of parrots

 Biological introduction of parrots:-

 Parrot is the name of a bird that lay eggs. It is found mostly in densely forested areas or forests. Its food is the fruits and seeds of the trees.

 Parrots, also called psittacines, are about 928 species of birds in 92 species that contain Psittaciformes, which are found mostly in humid and sub-humid areas.

 Parrots are from Theropods, a group of carnivorous dinosaurs that first appeared on Earth 200 million years ago. Theropods were small. Over time, they became smaller in size, lost their teeth, and their small arms took the shape of wings.

 Parrots are not capable of being born alive. Instead, they lay eggs and produce offspring. Eggs develop inside the female for a short time after mating with the male. After that, they will be placed in the nest that both parents found / built

 Birds reproduce through internal fertilization, during which the egg fertilizes inside the female. In reptiles, like reptiles, birds have the same pathway and entrance for cloaca, or sperm, eggs and feces. The male carries his sperm into the female cloaca. Sperm fertilizes the egg.

 All birds breed by laying eggs. The eggs are born inside the female and then accumulate in the nest. ... In some species or breeds, both females and males sit on the nest, while other breeds either leave the work to females or leave it to nature to provide the developing chicks with the heat they need. can go.

 Most birds lay their eggs in just over 24 hours, but parrots lay their eggs every 2-3 days.

 Parrots are found in warm climates in most parts of the world. Australia, Central America and South America have the most diversity.

 Class: Aves

 Order: Psittaciformes Wagler, 1830

 File: Chordata

 Kingdom: Animalia

 Key: Psittacopasserae

 Age: Kakato: 40-60 years, Kakapo: 40-80 years, Hyacinth Macau: 50 years

 This was a brief introduction to parrots. It also has the same egg-laying process as a hen.

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