Do animals menstruate

Do animals menstruate?

 First of all, let's talk about menstruation.

 Just as sperm are produced almost always in a man's testicles, this is not the case in a woman's ovaries. A woman's ovum is formed at a particular time, as most women produce only one ovum during one menstrual period.

 After the ovum is formed, the body waits for the sperm for some time, during which time the body prepares itself for a possible pregnancy, during which the inner wall of the uterus (endometrium) is prepared, because of the union with the sperm. After the baby, the same uterus will develop and develop. This work involves various hormones (estrogen and progesterone), which prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Just like we prepare our house for the arrival of a special guest.

 But if the sperm and the egg do not meet for a certain period of time, then the egg also dies, and the amount of hormones that were handling the uterus decreases. And now there is no one to take care of the preparation that was done in the womb, and now there is no use of preparation, because the guest / child has not come. As a result, the inner wall of the uterus begins to break down, and dead cells from the uterus, blood, and mucus (a white thick liquid) begin to come out through the vagina, which is called menstruation.

 But if there is pregnancy then menstruation does not happen, therefore not having menstruation is also considered as a sign of pregnancy.

 This whole process is called menstrual cycle. In humans, this time is on average 28 days, but in different women and at different ages, it is also different days.

 Now we are talking about animals. So animals have mammals close to us, just as man himself is a mammal. Even in mammals, the group we belong to (order) is primates, which includes humans, monkeys, apes, etc. There are some animals that have menstruation like humans.

 But the rest of the primates and the rest of the mammals do not have a menstrual cycle, but they have an oestrus cycle. During this time there are factors similar to the menstrual cycle, the hormones are the same. These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use

 1- There is a special phase in this oestrus cycle when the desire for mating in the substance increases, which is called estrus phase or heat period, as we can say in language that this cat or any other pet. Hat is on, that is, the female wants to mate at this time because it undergoes various hormonal changes, due to which the desire for mating is aroused and during this mating, the child is born.

 2- Females mate only during the same heat period, other than that, at no time does the female agree to mate nor does it signal mating to the male. That is, in an oestrus cycle, a woman can have intercourse only once, but in the menstrual cycle, a woman can have intercourse at any time, although this desire decreases during menstruation. Therefore, these animals can mate only at a particular time, that particular time can come once or twice a year or even several times.

 3- Now the most important part of the answer to the question is how menstruation occurs in them, then in animals the uterus is prepared for pregnancy, the inner wall of the uterus is prepared. But if there is no pregnancy, then the wall of the uterus breaks down like human beings, but after it breaks down, its dead cells, blood, etc. do not come out through the vagina but are absorbed back into the body. That is, unlike humans and some primates, menstrual fluid does not come out of them, but is absorbed back, and becomes part of the body.

 In mammals, other animals such as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, the reproductive system works and so on.

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