How to Monetize a Website without AdSense?

 How to Monetize a Website without AdSense?


Google AdSense was once the most popular way to monetize your website, but over the years AdSense has become highly saturated and has reached the point where it’s almost impossible to make decent money from it anymore. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still monetize your website! Here are several effective ways to do so without using AdSense at all.

Affiliate Programs

You can monetize your website in many ways; however, one of these ways is using affiliate programs. Amazon Associates is one example of an affiliate program you could take advantage of. Affiliate marketing has been around for some time now and it’s not going anywhere anytime soon so you might as well start making money with it today! When used properly, affiliate programs are an effective way to make revenue because people trust other people’s opinions online and if someone likes what they see on your website, chances are they will click through and buy something on Amazon. All-in-all, there are quite a few reputable companies that offer affiliate marketing options so take some time and do some research on which works best for you! Don’t forget about Google Analytics!

E-books and Courses

Creating e-books or courses is one of my favorite ways to monetize your website. You can create an e-book or course, sell it, and use affiliate links inside it to send people directly from your website to Amazon. For example, you could write a product review for something like This Land Is Mine by S.G. Browne and then place affiliate links inside that allow your visitors to purchase it right on your site with their Amazon accounts. If someone buys This Land Is Mine through your affiliate link, you'll get a 5% commission (10% if they're an Amazon Prime member). Pretty sweet deal!

Niche Consulting

You might not think so, but consulting is one of the best ways to monetize a website. If you’re looking for freelance clients, start by getting involved in your local community and reach out to potential clients through social media and networking events. Talk with them about what they need help with and give them an idea of how much you charge for your services. And if you’re thinking about consulting as a way to actually launch your business (and potentially turn it into a full-time gig), consider using Fiverr or Up work—they make it really easy for freelancers looking for work.

Online Coaching

One of my favorite ways to monetize my website is with online coaching. It's one of those ideas that just make sense. How can you help others with your knowledge and expertise if they don't know you're available? But it doesn't stop there. I make sure all my content (including posts on social media) points back to where people can buy my product or sign up for coaching programs. And because I've written so much useful content, some people will be more than happy to pay me for additional information.

Sponsored Posts and Social Media Promotions

If you’re not in Google’s advertising network, though, don’t despair. There are still ways you can make money from your site by engaging in sponsored posts and social media promotions. Think of social media as free word-of-mouth advertising for your business. Getting people to share your content on Facebook, Twitter, and other networks is easy if it meets their interests. Try offering free swag or discounts (or both) in exchange for shares with your followers; then watch as your website is broadcast far and wide at no extra cost to you. The more someone shares, likes and retweets something—the more people see it—and if they like what they see then maybe they'll become potential customers too!

Influencer Marketing

Our team at Koozai works with companies that have high brand value and low monetary resources. These brands are willing to pay top dollar for digital influencers who can amplify their message. For example, if you’re an independent blogger and enjoy writing about small business software, we can connect you with partners that are looking for similar audience as your own. All they need is your feedback on their products. If they love it, they could even ask you write an official review! In turn, these partnerships will boost your content visibility in Google search results and lead to more organic traffic from natural search. To monetize a website without AdSense - start by leveraging influencer marketing!

Get Sponsored by Brands Yourself

One of your best ways to monetize a website without AdSense is by taking advantage of affiliate marketing programs. The premise is simple: get sponsored by brands who will pay you for sending their traffic to them. It's a win-win for everyone involved, as long as you can pull it off with proper branding and integrity (i.e., make sure you're working directly with brands that align with your site's audience). Start looking into product review blogs, then try and partner up with vendors in your niche. Look out for local businesses or big players in an industry niche - they often have sponsorship programs that are willing to spend more money than an online ad network will send per click.


Websites often make money through display ads, affiliates, or product sales, but how can you monetize your website without having to use these methods. You need an alternative way of generating revenue from your web page and there are plenty out there. In fact, in some cases, you might not need any of these alternatives at all if you have enough traffic coming into your site. Here are five different ways that you can monetize your website without using AdSense or similar advertising platforms.

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